There’s something going on

I don’t know what’s going on, but there are many strange things happening.

Take this blog.  It’s changed colour.  It’s snowing (it snowed on Thursday, too). There are pictures of people I’ve never met at the top of the front page, and in the slideshow (although Kevin, Midge, Oscar and Percy are in there too).  There are funny sparkly things and even funnier hats.

I saw Mummy in one of those hats yesterday when she went out to the golf club.  She says she must find time to take our Christmas pictures.  I don’t know what Christmas means, but it’s something to do with hat pictures.  I gather that Colman didn’t like wearing a hat.

colman throws off hat

I don’t know what it feels like to wear a hat.  I don’t need different clothes, not like Mummy does.  She has a nice padded brightly coloured thing that she wears for golf, and likes so much she wears it in here if it’s a little cooler than normal.  It’s a similar colour to the background of the picture of the seven piggies above, but deeper.  Mummy says it’s called turquoise.  She also told me she’s bought a second one in bright yellow to wear when it’s foggy or darkish.

There are many times I don’t understand Mummy.  If I see a hat, I’ll let you know.



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