Grass is good – and long!

Hello, Bertie here.

We’ve been out on the grass again, nearly every day for lots of hours. I hate to say it but Roscoe was right. Our run moved back towards the wooden hut called the summerhouse, and Mummy cut the rest of the grass with the orange machine. It’s ready to cut again, though. Mummy says she’ll do it today.

Apparently it’s going to be cooler this week, with rain as well. So we won’t go out. We’ve done a pretty good job on the grass, even though I say it myself. The bit we had this weekend was really lush. Mummy put the shade tunnel over it to encourage us to eat it.

Then she put the big rails up and I thought we were going to get a smaller pen, but no. She did it just to put the shade cover up for us. And while we were mowing under that, she put a thin white curtain up to give us some protection from the early morning sun. She thinks of everything, doesn’t she?

So that’s everything from me, apart from a ‘get well soon’ message to Digby.

See you next time


Bertie xxxx

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