N is for Names #A2ZChallenge24

Hello, I’m Victor, and I’m answering the question ‘how did you get your names?’

Names people came with

I came with my name. I think I’ve always had it, although I had so many homes before I came to mummy, I’m not sure. I was only one year old when I came here, but I’d already had three homes and a Rescue centre. I wrote about that in H for Handling. I’m only called Victor the Red for Blogging, to separate my posts from Victor the First. Mummy says that’s called a username.

Me, Victor, with Auntie Anne

The other pigs that came with theirs were Hugo, Humphrey, Colman, Kevin, Roscoe and Neville.

Names Mummy chose

Mummy named Fred and George because they were twins and had ginger hair. Apparently that’s a Thing.

Mummy thought of Dylan and Dougall as she was driving up to the house to collect them. It suited them perfectly.

Dougall and Dylan arrive age 3 weeks

Bertie and Biggles were born at Auntie Sophie’s before she started up the rescue again. Bertie always looked like Bertie, and Biggles had rings round his eyes like an aviators goggles. I expect that’s a Thing, too.

Ludo and Locksley got their names as Mummy drove them home. By then all of the pigs had characters in her Princelings books named after them. Ludo and Locksley were two characters that she’d made up in book 2. They got more important later in the series. The real Ludo and Locksley are nothing like those characters.

Names Mummy changed

Victor (the first) came with Hugo as Linus. Auntie Vikki had called him Vince when he was born. Mummy thought Victor and Hugo sounded better together.

Snowy’s baby boy – Victor (picture by Vikki)

Hector came with Humphrey, but was called Hugo, and Hugo was already at home. Mummy said Hector squeaked his name to her as they drove away from the Rescue.

Oscar and Midge had names Auntie Vikki used but she said Mummy could change them. They were pedigree Rexes with a family tree! Mummy said their new names suited them much better.

Percy was called Mr Pig, and came into rescue with a rabbit called Mr Rabbit. Mummy gave him the name Mr Percy, but mostly just called him Percy.

Pippin was originally called Popcorn. More about that for letter P, and possibly Z.

And that’s everyone! See you next time


6 thoughts on “N is for Names #A2ZChallenge24

  1. Very informative as to how you boys got your names! Naming can be very important. Of course, I, Garfield, came with a name that stuck. That pesky new cat who hasn’t learned her place yet is called Samantha.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So many names. But everyone needs their own. I like names with qualifiers like Victor the Red and Victor the First. I love that you have a rescue for guinea pigs. They are precious animals. Visiting from A to Z. annbennett2@blogspot.com


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