Hector’s First Birthday

Hector has to have an official birthday as we don’t know when he was born, and Mummy estimated it might be 1st May which is today 😀

So today he had a nice cuddle (which he put up with, he doesnt really like cuddles) then when he and Humphrey were down on the floor she gave him his birthday cake 🙂

It had fennel leaves and sage leaves decorating it, and one candle for being one year old.  Mummy took that off pretty quickly before Hector thought of trying to eat it.

And of course Hugo had to come over and wish him happy birthday.  And investigate the cake.

And then Victor came and joined them and they played follow my leader and hide and seek until mummy put them back for a rest (and then we all went outside for the afternoon).

We got a nice slice of cake too…  it was hay cake which we like a lot 🙂

2 thoughts on “Hector’s First Birthday

  1. Auntie Dawn

    Aww. Wish Hector a very happy birthday for me, would you, G?

    Mummy definitely knows how to throw a party, doesn’t she? It looks like everyone had a great time.

    Hugo. Sigh. Maybe he was just excited and wanted to show his proteges Hector and Humph how proud he is of them…. Nah, it was probably the cake. Lol.


  2. Aww! How exciting, I’m glad everyone seemed to have a good time.
    How lucky you are, for Hector to have shared his cake with you. 🙂
    Wish him a happy belated birthday from me too!


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