U is for Unanswered Questions #A2ZChallenge24

All this month I’ve been answering your questions. I’m Locksley, and my friends Ludo, Victor and Pippin are doing their bit too.

These are the last questions which we didn’t fit into other letters. So they are Unanswered questions. Except for Auntie Noelle’s very clever question for U. There are some which we can’t answer, but Mummy is helping me explain.

Questions and Answers

What’s the most Unusual thing you enjoy?

I don’t think we do or like anything unusual. They are all perfectly normal, even popcorning. Sometimes they are normal for Norfolk, as they say. Although we’re in Hampshire now. We were probably all born in Norfolk.

Do we like yellow?
We like yellow dandelions, and flowers in the same family like colt’s foot and cat’s ear. We can eat the yellow flowers of bird’s foot trefoil, but I don’t care for them. Biggles liked them. We can’t eat buttercups or ragwort or daffodils as they would make us ill. We don’t see much yellow other than those flowers.

Victor the first with Dandelion, or maybe Cat’s Ear

How much time do we spend taking naps?
I answered this in the comments saying ‘as much as possible’ but it depends on so many things… the weather, how we feel, our ages, personality. Victor naps more often than me, but for shorter times. Ludo looks like he’s napping a lot, but really he’s just watching. He does a lot of watching. I suppose it depends on the pig.

What do we like to Munch, or Nibble?
I said we’d covered this in Eat, but maybe it’s different from meal times. Our favourite treat is cucumber. Or herbs, or any leaves from the garden, or Readigrass. Victor loves cardboard.

Questions …. unanswerable?

Are you a fan of Robin Hood?
I don’t understand this question. Mummy suggested this answer:

I am sort of named for Robin of Loxley, who was a folk hero who lived in Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham. When Mummy was writing the Princelings and the Pirates, she had to make up some characters who were family, but ahead of Fred and George in the line of succession. She had one prince who had been driven away from his home, and ‘took refuge as an outlaw in the northern forests’. She called him Locksley, and named me after him. But it was only a couple of years ago she realised she’d spelled Loxley differently. Locksley the character plays a big part in book 8, the Princelings of the North.

Locksley’s camp in the forest (from Princelings of the North)

Nearly finished now, but you can still ask questions!


Locksley xxxx

10 thoughts on “U is for Unanswered Questions #A2ZChallenge24

  1. Lovely, Locksley. And I figured you were named after Robin Hood! As for yellow, I just read an article about how good dandelions are for you – including the greens. I think I might have to sample one. My Mom fed the family dandelion greens when I was growing up. Didn’t much like them.

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  2. My daughter had a piggie named Robin, but she was named for Robin Williams. She’s the one the breeder said was a he, but Robin worked either way. Dandelions are good for all of us. I don’t eat mine though, I have a dog and they may not be in eatable condition!

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