Victor’s Day

It’s already one year since Victor went to the Rainbow Bridge.  Mummy remembers it very well, since she says she had a moment when he visited her to say goodbye, along with George and Hugo.  She was in the middle of a game of golf at the time, so she thinks it’s real.  Why doubt it, Mummy?

Victor 200214

I sort of miss Victor, but he was very old and not well at all, so he’s happy at the Rainbow Bridge and I’ll see him there sometime.  And meet George and Fred and Hugo.  And tease Humphrey again.  I miss Humphrey.

One thought on “Victor’s Day

  1. Auntie Dawn

    He came to visit his old Auntie, too. I had already heard the news, and had gone to the garden by my job to mourn. He came and told me not to be sad, that he was happy and healthy again and hanging out with F&G, Hugo, and my Saku and Mariusz; he would be checking in on me and Uncle from time to time. I know he’s enjoying his time with Saku, another gentle soul. Together they’re supervising — or trying to supervise — the rascals: Hugo, Mariusz, and Willoughby.

    You’ll meet him, but not for a while yet. Give Mummy extra cuddles today.


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