It’s very quiet here

I’m Fred.  I’ve decided to have a go at looking after George’s website.  I don’t think I’ll do it as often as George did but you never know.  It’s kind of quiet here at the moment and I miss him.  But I’m trying to look after Mummy and think about him having a good time beyond Saturn. More later.

In loving memory of George 13.06.2007 to 17.05.2011

3 thoughts on “It’s very quiet here

  1. Lady Snailspace

    We’d all be so happy for you to carry it on for George and for yourself and the boys and Mummy. Thank you Fred xxxx



  2. Auntie Dawn

    Oh, Fred. 😥 I’m so sorry for your loss. Look at you, being so brave and strong for Mummy. I’m very proud of you. But it’s ok to grieve, too. Grieving is normal — you were the one individual closer to George than even Mummy. She’ll understand if you’re sad.

    I know that George is happy. He’s got a cool new Flying Machine, built entirely to his specifications. He’s whooshing wherever he wants to, not having to worry about bad weather or accidents. And guess who’s in the passenger seat? You know it: Mariusz…. Sigh…. I only hope M is being a good boy and listening to the Pilot.

    It would be great if you kept up this blog. I’d love to hear your thoughts on various things. You know, sometimes Mummy and I get into very serious conversations about Big Topics, and I’ll say, “This is too much for my little brain. This is a subject for Fred to ponder.” You’re a very intelligent, thoughtful, and wise young man.

    You take it at your own pace, though. Whenever you post something, I’ll be here to read it.

    Love you, Fred.
    Auntie Dawn


  3. Oh, Fred, I am so sorry that you’re missing George. He was a pig in a million and a really special boy.
    As Auntie Dawn said, it’s OK to grieve, sometimes it’s hard to remember the good times you’re shared, and easier to think of how sad you’re feeling. That’s fine…as long as you don’t dwell on it for too long and remember to turn those thoughts back around to the good times.
    I’m glad you’ve decided to take on George’s blog, it’ll be lovely to hear from you more often. 🙂


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