Christmas comes twice a year

Way-aye, Roscoe here.  I’m keeping up our attempt to blog from A to Z once a week this year.  We started on April 1st, and after seeing the A to Z’s tenth anniversary announcement, we realised it’s our tenth anniversary too.  So watch out for fun at the beginning of May.

2019 A to Z badge
Blogging from A to Z

Today I’m talking C.

There’s one BIG C that we immediately think of.  Not celery, although that’s nice.  Celeriac is good too.  Corn is a bit fancy, and it’s also fattening so Mam isn’t giving us that these days as we’re doing the D word.

Before I talk about the C food, I’ll mention Cuddles, which we get every day and we like a lot.  I don’t much like the bit when Mummy checks us over and trims our toes, but I like the cuddle after, as long as it doesn’t go on too long.  After cuddles comes ‘run around on the kitchen floor’ time, you see.  That’s my favourite.

There’s also C for Christmas.  So here we are in our silly Christmas hats.  Colman is the only piggy in our world who began with C.  He refused to wear his hat. I never met him. You can read more about him here, though.

And of course the big important C word is… CUCUMBER!  Did you guess?

Biggles and Bertie are two
If Biggles doesn’t eat his quickly, I’ll nip in and get it!

Next week, Bertie does D.  We may even have a special guest for that.  Mam’s still working on it. [I am?]

I read all your comments, and when it says ‘liked by Jemima’ that’s me 🙂

Bye for now


5 thoughts on “Christmas comes twice a year

  1. I was told celery was a huge no-no for piggies. Unless it’s de-stringed, leaving absolutely no strings at all. Is that true? I hear tales of the strings impacting them, so I haven’t chanced it with my de-stringing skills.
    Now, chard is a C of a different color!
    The very favorite though for ours is an upcoming D! I’ll see if it’s yours too, if you mention food tomorrow, and how can a Guinea pig NOT mention food!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mummy here. I’ve heard that about celery but I don’t understand the problem. They eat the strings perfectly happily if they are any. I think it goes with the old concerns about taking the seeds out of tomatoes and so on. I don’t do any of that; if it’s natural and not poisonous (some pips and seeds could be, in quantity) I let them have it all. They leave things they don’t like.
      Chard – yes I grow that for them and they mostly love it. Roscoe’s a bit suspicious of it still; maybe that’s why he didn’t think of it. 🙂


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