It’s smelling like spring

Way-aye, Roscoe here.

It’s been another quiet week.  I’ve been getting a little bit bored with it, to tell the truth.  Mam’s been out quite a bit, or busy with people calling her on that funny box she uses to talk to them. I think it’s people she’s talking to, any rate.

We’ve not any more grass from the garden lately, something to do with the white snow that covered it. We did get a wee bit on Saturday, though.  Mam had been out all day, and the day before, and before that too, so maybe she was making it up to us, like. She’d been in at night, though.  Not like the other week. She gave Neville a haircut the other day though.

neville's haircut Mar 18

Any rate, she was in all day yesterday.  She spent some time outside doing noisy things.  We could hear he cos she left the door open.  We could hear the birds and smell the air.  It smelled good.

I hear Percy let on that Neville and I had a bit of an argument the other day.  We didn’t really.  I just told Nev what he ought to do like, and he disagreed.  So we talked about it for a while. I’ve no idea how he got that little spot behind his ear.  It’s nothing to do with me, honest.

Mam said that if the grass was dry enough we could go out on it when it got warm so she could sit out without a coat on. So she’s going out without a coat on, but she’s not sitting.  Okay. I see. I think.  Get sitting, will you?

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