Two years since we arrived

Hello. This is Victor blogging today. Victor the Red, to distinguish me from Victor the First, who lived a long time in the past, in fact it’s the tenth anniversary of him going over the rainbow bridge on Wednesday. So having introduced myself formally, I’m just going to call myself Victor from now on. I hope that’s okay with you. Tell me if it’s a problem.

Pippin and I arrived from the Rescue in East Anglia two year ago last week. It seems funny. For the first year of my life I kept moving homes. People said I was difficult, or I’d bitten someone. I don’t think I did, although when the little people patted me it hurt, so maybe I whipped round fast to stop them and they got scared. Well, at least they stopped patting my back. So I ended up at the rescue, where Auntie Sophie thought I was gorgeous, and asked me to look after Pippin. And a month or so later she told me that someone was serious about me coming to live with them, but not until May, so we went out to a foster home for a couple of months, which was also nice.

And then Mummy came for us. It was a very long way, and when we arrived she showed us our new lodgings, which were very nice, and said we weren’t going back. I think we were both relieved at that.

It wasn’t long before Mummy realised not only I didn’t like my back being touched, but that I sometimes fell over when I was running around. So I went to see Dr Rebekah, who made me snooze while she checked my bones, and she said I had arthuritis. I’m very young to have arthuritis, but as soon as I started having medication for it, I felt a lot better, and stopped falling over, too.

And now I’ve been so long with Mummy, I can hardly believe I ever had all those troubles.

Mind you, Pippin started causing trouble as he got a bit bossy, and I wasn’t having any of that, so we agreed to have separate cages, and we don’t even run around in the garden together any more. Pippin is very argumentative. I’m only a little argumentative. Mostly I get on with Locksley, who lives next door, but sometimes we have arguments too. We all have very definite ideas of what’s what, and sometimes we don’t agree.

So we agree to differ and Mummy understands that, and we have our bachelor apartments, and runs out on the grass when it’s warm and dry, and I like it here very much.

And we’ve done some interesting things during these two years, so maybe I’ll remind you about those another time, as Locksley or Ludo has probably told you their side of the story when they happened. Otherwise I’d just be telling you that we’ve been eating, and sleeping, and repeating that, which might get a bit boring for you.

Till next time


Victor xxxx

(Not the other Victor)

Victor’s 6th birthday (Feb 2014)

6 thoughts on “Two years since we arrived

  1. Hi Victor that was an interesting post , my goodness you have got around a lot haven’t you ? I think you landed on your feet with your forever home.

    i know what you mean about your argumentative neighbours…thank goodness your mum knows how to deal with you all. 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It good to hear that after all that shuffling around you landed in your forever home. As for arthritis, I have it too and take medication for it. It’s not fun! Congrats on your second anniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hilarymb

    Hi Victor – it’s good to have the catch up – two years of GPS’ lives is for them a long time … but this year – the grass is green … but rich. Good for you all – take care – cheers Hilary

    Liked by 1 person

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