I don’t think much of the weather

Hello, Victor here again.

I don’t think much of the weather. It keeps changing. That sounds promising, but even though it’s not very warm, it rains or is cloudy when we could go out in the afternoon when the grass would be dry enough. And if Mummy doesn’t want to sit out with us, or try a little gardening, we can’t go out. Yesterday morning was nice, and she rearranged the runs for us to get longer grass to eat. But then the cloud came, and the rain, and we just had to put up with staying in.

I remember it being hot at this time last year. Even hotter than my first year, when it was noisy, and we sometimes stayed in to avoid noise and dust and stuff from next door. Now we could go out, even when the kids are noisy and having fun with a football in their garden, but it’s not hot. Not enough, anyway.

That first summer was crazy. I wondered what we’d got into, but obviously it was not normal, because Mummy was upset with the noise, too. We just had to hide in our tunnels and put up with it. Locksley started losing his hair. Mummy gave us firework powder for the stress. That isn’t powder from fireworks. It’s called Nutricalm and it helps us not worry so much.

The fun thing that happened then, was we all went in the car to another house, where we had small cages and runs on the floor, and Mummy sat on the armchair right next to us and cooked her dinner on the other side of the sofa. It was a one-room cottage and we liked it a lot. It was very quiet, except for the thunderstorm. But we didn’t mind the thunderstorm, because we knew it would be over soon, not like the building noise. We enjoyed that week. I wonder if we’ll ever go back?

Maybe it would hurt Mummy’s hands too much to load everything into the car. Sometimes they hurt her more than others. They were good in the warmer weather the other week, but they’ve been worse this week. She almost dropped me when she put me on the floor after cuddle time on Friday. I don’t think it was because we’d had a slight argument about cutting my toenails. I think it was just One Of Those Things.

Anyway, I’d like another holiday if Mummy feels up to it, but if not, I just hope the weather gets nicer so we can go out and eat grass.

Hoping you are well, and the weather is good where you are,

Victor x

ps. We are very sorry to hear that Peepers, one of Auntie Dawn’s weird feathery non-pigs, went over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. He was 17, which is huge. Sending love to Auntie and Tweek, Peeper’s partner in crime.

Peepers (top) with Tweek.

4 thoughts on “I don’t think much of the weather

  1. hilarymb

    Hi Victor – each year seems more unpredictable weather wise … let’s hope it warms and dries up a little – also that your Mum’s hands ease their pain – so frustrating for you all. Take care – the little cottage holiday sounds fun … with thoughts – Hilary

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