Fun in the Garden

Hello, Locksley here to bring you updates on everything.

First, Pippin is fine after his op. He was a bit strange to start with, but he’s more or less back to normal. Well, a little less, really. He’s not as boisterous as he was. He went back to have his stitches out, but they didn’t get all of the ones on his back out. Mummy trims them every now and then so he doesn’t pull them out if he scratches. But his hair is growing back. He’ll soon be fine. The one on his tummy has disappeared completely.

Victor has managed to scratch a patch behind his ear. He has some funny dark marks on his skin. Mummy says they are a bit like her freckles. One of them looked like he’d scratched it, so Mummy put honey cream on it and it’s getting better. Victor does not like being messed with, as he puts it. He says Mummy takes too long to look at whatever she wants to look at. Mummy says he holds still just long enough to find it under his hair, then he moves before she can get a good look.

Meanwhile, Ludo and I just get on with eating things, like home grown lettuce, which we did this week. Well, the others had it too. We’ve finished the earliest ones, and this week we’ll be eating the next lot. And maybe some chard. Mmm, yummy.

We have been outside most days since Thursday. It’s been lovely in the sun most days, but I prefer shade, so I get the nice big green shady tunnel. Yesterday she moved the runs closer to the house again, so we can be under the awning or in the shade of the house. It’s going to be hotter this week, so we’ll be fine.

We have fun in the garden. We can be out for hours now, because it stays light past 9 o’clock although we’re in by 8 usually. Yesterday we went out at 3 and came in at 7.30. I spent most of my time eating grass or sleeping, but I think Victor was having fun making faces at Pippin or Ludo, because his run was between them. Mummy has ordered some more panels so we can have bigger runs, since we refuse to get on with each other. We’re only having fun, but it is nicer to have our own space.

And I’m feeling much better since Mummy gave me a bigger, flatter food bowl. I can eat my nuggets and pellets now!

I hope you are having fun in your garden. Till next time,


Locksley xxxx

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