Pippin had his back shaved

Hello, Locksley here today.

We had a busy week. On several days we went out in the garden and ate grass. It was yummy. It wasn’t too hot, and it was slightly shady, and we all enjoyed it. I enjoyed it even more as on Tuesday I went to see Dr Rebekah for my dental procedure, so my teeth were more comfortable afterwards.

On this occasion, Pippin went too. But he didn’t have his teeth done. He had a lumpectomy. In fact he had two. The lump on his back was the one Mummy had got yucky stuff from when she squeezed it, but she thought there was another, hard lump, next to the squeezy one. And he had another, smaller lump growing on his belly. So Dr Rebekah decided they’d both better come off, and if she didn’t think they were harmless, she’d get them tested. So that’s what happened.

When I woke up, I felt pretty normal, but when Pippin woke up he went all funny for a bit. It was a good thing I was there to talk to him, although the nurses were very nice.

Mummy took us home and we settled down again and had treats as we hadn’t had breakfast. Pippin was still acting strange though. He was just sitting in his tunnel looking shocked. Mummy tried giving him things like grass and herbs, and eventually she took him into the cuddle room and cuddled him for ages, all wrapped up in the red towel I could hear her talking, too. Pippin said she read from her book. It was very interesting, once he started listening properly. Eventually he gave her his usual signal for ‘time to go’, and she brought him back to his cage. He started walking around then, and eating things, so we guess Mummy’s magic words worked.

He’s been fine since, and his wounds are healing nicely, and he has to go back on Friday to have his stitches out. And his hair will grow back and nobody will ever know he had an operation. Except Mummy. She knows everything.

Ludo and Victor are fine, and so’s Mummy. So that’s this week’s adventure, and I think Victor’s blogging next week.

see you soon


Locksley xxxx

5 thoughts on “Pippin had his back shaved

  1. Nice that you could accompany Pippin on his surgical adventure and get your teeth taken care of, too. I think Pippin needed to get the stuff that put him to sleep out of his system and having your Mum cuddle him helped a lot!

    Liked by 1 person

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