I had a funny turn

Hello everyone, Victor here.  I’m fine, thank you.  I had a funny experience today.  I was lying on Mummy’s lap munching my cucumber during my morning cuddle, then the next thing I knew I had turned around a bit and was much closer to her with my nose tucked down, all snuggled in her fleecy coat.  Mummy was just stroking me gently as usual.  I decided to move closer to my usual stroking position but felt a bit odd so I just stretched out a bit and lazed on Mummy’s front, just loafing like Willoughby does.  It was very nice and comfortable doing that, and Mummy watched her gardening programme and I listened to Uncle Monty talking because he has a very nice voice, and just relaxed.  Mummy was stroking me of course.

Mummy says I had a funny turn, a fit.  She was watching me very carefully when she put me back in the cage.  My back legs felt a bit hoppity when she did that, but then they often do because of my arthritis.  It wasn’t quite the same though, and it soon felt normal.  I felt quite peckish, and Mummy gave me my special pellets and some mint while she cleaned the cage out.  I was glad she hadn’t put me down for a run with the others.  I didn’t feel up to it today.  Lovely boys, but Dylan is a bit much sometimes.  He looks after me, too, though.  Victor closeup

Anyway, I feel fine now, and I ate up my breakfast by lunchtime, and I hope I didn’t worry Mummy too much.

PS Mummy has finished the story starring me.  She’s thinking of calling it “A Case for Victor”.  She says it won’t be out till the New Year, though.

5 thoughts on “I had a funny turn

  1. Auntie Dawn

    Oh, Vic! Are you sure you’re ok? Now you’ve got your Crazy American Aunt all worried.

    I’m sure Mummy’s keeping a close eye on you.

    Your nephew Willoughby does a good loaf, doesn’t he?


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