Funny week

It’s been a funny week because Mummy and I sat and watched the weather forecast in the morning and she told me what the lady had said (I don’t know why, I understood her very well) and we agreed that for the most part we’d get some grass time most days.  Except some days Mummy went out in her golf stuff and it rained when she came in, so no grass, and sometimes it just didn’t do what the weather lady said and so we got wet or not as the case may be.

Take Friday for example.  It rained in the morning, and Mummy said it was due to rain again about 3 according to the lady (I thought the map showed it raining about 2, but that’s neither here nor there).  So she went out for a walk in her favourite place and saw nice birds which she told us all about later.  But when she got back she put us straight out in the garden once she’d checked it was dry enough, and we had a nice time until about 3 pm when she said the cloud was building up (it was) and the rain was due (it was) so better safe than sorry and she brought us in.  And it didnt rain at all!!!  We could have stayed out much, much longer, till it was nearly dark.  I think Mummy felt bad about that.

And much the same happened yesterday.  But the forecast for today was lovely sunny and warm all day (well with cloud from time to time) because the rain would start in the previous evening and clear us by dawn.

So Mummy said she’d put us out as soon as the grass was dry enough, but it hadnt rained in the night like it said it was going to so it was just damp.  And she went to get her paper and when she came back her blue top had dark blue spots all over it because it was raining!  It wasn’t supposed to rain today at all!  So Mummy went and read her paper and had breakfast and told us we could go out when the grass was dry… you get the picture.  Anyway it hadnt rained much at all while she was reading and she thought it was just ok for us, and she put Hec & Hum’s cage top out, and came back in for the run panels, and went out – it was raining!  Mummy just got the things back in she’d put out and apologised to us, and we settled down for a bit of a snooze.  Although after a short while Mummy started doing gardening things and brought us in some lavender and some rosemary which was jolly nice – very spicy.  And eventually we went out and had a nice run all afternoon till the sun disappeared behind the trees and it started to feel a little damp again, so Mummy brought us in.  And she’d given the cages a full cleanout while we were out so it was all lovely.

Oh and Victor is having problems with his poos but Mummy is helping him sort it out and he’s feeling much better than he was.  I’m looking after him very carefully though.


One thought on “Funny week

  1. Auntie Dawn

    I had a similar thing happen today. They said it was going to rain at about 1:00 pm, so your Uncle W and I didn’t skate. But then it didn’t rain until about 5:00, and only for a few minutes. Sigh.

    I know that you and Mummy are taking excellent care of Victor!


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